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What is spam?

Spam is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it. Most spam is commercial advertising, often for dubious products, get-rich-quick schemes, or quasi-legal services. Spam costs the sender very little to send -- most of the costs are paid for by the recipient or the carriers rather than by the sender.

There are two main types of spam, and they have different effects on Internet users. Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups. (Through long experience, Usenet users have found that any message posted to so many newsgroups is often not relevant to most or all of them.) Usenet spam is aimed at "lurkers", people who read newsgroups but rarely or never post and give their address away. Usenet spam robs users of the utility of the newsgroups by overwhelming them with a barrage of advertising or other irrelevant posts. Furthermore, Usenet spam subverts the ability of system administrators and owners to manage the topics they accept on their systems.

Email spam targets individual users with direct mail messages. Email spam lists are often created by scanning Usenet postings, stealing Internet mailing lists, or searching the Web for addresses. Email spams typically cost users money out-of-pocket to receive. Many people - anyone with measured phone service - read or receive their mail while the meter is running, so to speak. Spam costs them additional money. On top of that, it costs money for ISPs and online services to transmit spam, and these costs are transmitted directly to subscribers.

One particularly nasty variant of email spam is sending spam to mailing lists (public or private email discussion forums.) Because many mailing lists limit activity to their subscribers, spammers will use automated tools to subscribe to as many mailing lists as possible, so that they can grab the lists of addresses, or use the mailing list as a direct target for their attacks.

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What is Microblogging?

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Social networking. That phrase has been all the rage over the last couple of years. With sites like Facebook, MySpace and the like, more and more people are connecting with each other and interacting online. Blogs, too, are a popular way of sharing information and attracting an audience of people with similar interests.

But more and more people are making that kind of interaction quicker and shorter. Instead of writing long posts or email messages, they're tapping out quick missives telling their friends (and the wider world) what they're up to at the moment.

How do they do that? By microblogging
What is microblogging?

Microblogging is the act of posting short messages to the Web. And when we say short, we mean short. A microblog post, which is called an update (or, in the case of the most popular service out there, a tweet), can be a maximum of 140 characters, including spaces. In case you're wondering, the 140 character limit comes from microblogging's inspiration: SMS text messages sent from a mobile phone. A microblog update looks like this:

Presenting advice from Garr Reynolds: think naturalness not perfection - http://tinyurl.com/df26mj

Simply posting a 140 character message somewhere on the Web isn't the way it works, though. You have to use one of the many microblogging services that are out there. More on these in a moment. These services collect and publish updates in different ways. The central form of aggregation is called a timeline. That's just a collection of updates. The main page (or thereabouts) of most microblogging sites have a public timeline, which lists all of the latest posts from users. You can have a timeline of your own updates, which is on your own page (for example, http://identi.ca/scottnesbitt).

Microblogging services also allow people to subscribe to (also referred to as following) your updates, or at the very least read them. People can follow you or read your updates at the microblogging site or using software. A future TechTip will look at some popular microblogging clients.

As you've probably guessed, microblogging is very similar to conventional blogging. A microblog can focus on one topic, and can be used for personal or business reasons. The biggest difference is the length of the post and the immediacy. Microblogging is definitely more immediate – updates are instantaneous. In the time it takes for a conventional blogger to write and publish a post, a microblogger can post any number of updates.

Why do it?

Most microbloggers (in the words of a popular microblogging service) do it to “communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

A lot of people who microblog find it's an easier alternative to conventional blogging, or even using sites like FaceBook and MySpace. All you need to do is sign up and start typing. You don't have to worry about tweaking the look and feel of your microblog, or anything like that.

It's not just folks with time on their hands who do it, either. A lot of businesses and consultants put considerable effort into microblogging.

What's it good for?

Think of a group. Chances are that members of that group are microblogging. Friends microblog to keep up with each other, and to exchange information and gossip. Other people do it to share information or to promote their pet causes. Businesses microblog to get feedback from customers and to announce new products or share news. Consultants microblog to promote their business and to showcase their expertise. There have even been cases in which writers serialize the stories or poems that they're working on at a microblogging site. Nigerian author Ben Okri, for example, recently published a poem on a popular microblogging site.

On a recent visit to Toronto, actor and Twitter user LeVar Burton posted a message asking for a good place to have a pint. Not only did he get the recommendation, he also met up with a bunch of fans at that venue for what was a meetup of microbloggers in the real world.

Something that's become popular is people microblogging during presentations and conferences. They're sharing their thoughts, and the thoughts and ideas of presenters, with both fellow conference attendees and the wider world. Believe us, it's a lot easier and more immediate than liveblogging.

Where does microblogging fall flat?

One complaint about microblogging is that it can be more than just a bit narcissistic. Remember Web pages, circa 1996 or 1997? Or most personal blogs? Updates can be just as vapid. For many, except maybe someone's followers, the fact that the microblogger just got back from walking the dog and is eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich or that they're trying to read Finnegan's Wake for the sixth time isn't all that captivating.

While microblogging started as way of keeping friends, family, and classmates up to date, for many it's become a race to collect the most followers. They'll post updates about anything that will attract readers. Many purists view this as being insincere, since the person posting the updates really has little interest in what their writing about. They just want to be popular.

What services are out there?

The undisputed king of microblogging services is arguably Twitter. You've probably read about Twitter in a newspaper, a magazine, or a blog post. You might even know someone who regularly uses Twitter. Hundreds of thousands of people use Twitter, and post countless updates (called tweets in the Twitter world).

Make sure to follow Geeks.com on Twitter!

But it's not the only game on the Web. While other microblogging service may not come close to denting Twitter's market share, they do offer alternatives to the service. The services (around 100 of them worldwide) all work in generally the same way. The only things that differ are the terminology they use, some of the features, and the number of users. Here are a few popular services:

First up, Jaiku. Now owned by Google, Jaiku allows you not only to post updates (called jaikus) to the general public, but also to channels which are collections of updates on a single topic.

A service that's gaining in popularity is identi.ca. What sets identi.ca apart from most other microblogging services is that it's built using Open Source software. In the words of the developers: “If you don't like how Identi.ca works, you can take your data and the source code and set up your own server (or move your account to another one).”

An interesting take on microblogging comes in the form of Yammer, which has been termed “Twitter with a business model”. What makes Yammer unique is that it's focused on internal communication in companies. Instead of being based on the question “what are you up to?”, Yammer is based on the question “What are you working on?”. It's like an internal discussion board, but limited to 140 characters.

Finally, there's Plurk. In addition to letting you post short text updates (called plurks), Plurk lets you share images and videos from YouTube with your followers. Being able to share images and video definitely adds a very interesting dimension to microblogging.

Is it right for you?

That depends. Some people will always think that microblogging is a waste of time and bandwidth. Others swear by it. We've met a number of people on both sides of that fence, and even more who inhabit the middle ground between them. The latter group uses microblogging, but isn't consumed by it.

The only way to find out if microblogging is right for you is to give it a try. Take a look at a microblogging service on the Web. Spend a week or two, and see how you like it – both as an updater and a follower. You might find that microblogging is a lot more fun and interesting than you thought it would be.

By Scott Nesbitt

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10 Things That Increase Your Intelligence

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We’re often told that there are three styles of learning and that the way in which we learn new things can fall into one of three areas: Behaviorism, which is the process of learning through the observation of something else, or “seeing it”. Cognitivism, which focuses on brain-based learning and memory-related information. Finally, there’s constructivism, which is learning through “building” new ideas based on one’s own experience, or “learning through doing”. However, these are really just the three main philosophical frameworks from which all learning theories are derived. In reality, there are around 80 different learning theories with other theories branching out from those. This article aims to clarify and to look at in more detail, the ideas behind a number of the more popular and commonly talked about theories of how we learn and why.

1. Observational Learning: Also referred to as the “monkey see, monkey do” method of learning. This happens when a person (or animal) exhibits behavioral changes after having observed another “model” do a similar thing. Also called the social learning theory, the observer will often mimic or imitate what is seen if the “observed” possesses characteristics that the observer finds attractive, for example, wealth or good looks. So, if we ever see someone (or ever do it ourselves) copying someone or indeed learning something from someone they admire, it’s all down to how we learn from observation and how people behave in the world around us.

2. Learning Styles: Because we’re all different, we have difference needs and desires, likes and dislikes. This can also be applied to the field of learning, in that we all have different ways of doing so. This theory is basically about how well a person can learn depending on how the learning experience is geared towards their particular style of learning or not. How a person will learn from an experience all depends on how their psychological type is when compared to the experience at hand. Concrete/Abstract learners will learn through solid experiences like learning and doing, analysis and observation, similar to what has been mentioned previously. Whilst active/reflective learners will learn better through though and reflection on the experience.

3. Communities of Practice: This refers to the process of social learning that happens when communities of people work and live in close approximation to one another. These “communities” may be neighborhoods of residents, or even people with common goals, it’s all about how they act towards each other as they strive to reach those goals. The term was coined by anthropologists Barbara Rogoff and Jean Lave, and has come to refer to communities that “practice” some sort of lifestyle, and into which new people that entered the group would enter and then attempt to pick up the social and cultural practices of said community.

4. Right Brain and Left Brain Learning: At one point or another, we’ve all heard about how the brain can be divided up into two hemispheres, with each side responsible for difference aspects of thinking (sometimes referred to as “modes” of thinking). It’s commonly thought that the left side is responsible for logical/scientific thinking, as well as analysis. While the right side is usually linked to more creative thinking, emotional and reflective in nature. Right/Left Learning also appears to be the subject of a number of short tests on the internet, supposedly letting you find out which “side” you lean towards.

5. Control/Choice Theory: Conceived by William Glasser, his theory states that behavior and learning are not caused by outside stimulus rather than what a person wants or needs at any given time. A better understanding of Control Theory will enable those who teach to better get their lesson across, because the learners will actively want to learn, and if students are unwilling to finish their homework, then it might well be because they view the work as basically being irrelevant to their basic human needs, as in, they don’t need to do it. Glasser came up with several ”drives” that every human has a need to fulfill in some respect, these are: Survival, power, love, freedom, fun and belonging. So if teachers are willing to motivate, care for, reward/praise and have faith in students and fulfill these innate desires, then learning is going to be whole lot easier.

6. Multiple Intelligences: Is a theory proposed by psychologist Howard Gardner and states that there are a number of ways in which people have a learning and understanding of what goes on around them, and that each of these ways are labeled as an “intelligence”, or a set of skills or methods in which people understand things. Gardner breaks these down into seven identified subsets of “intelligence”: Verbal, Logical, Visual, Body (physical motion and control), Musical, Interpersonal (interactions with others) and Intrapersonal (knowledge of oneself).

7. Brain-Based Learning: Is what it says, basically, that the brain is responsible for the learning aspect of life. That as long as the brain isn’t stopped from doing what it’s supposed to, then learning will happen. The theory also states that the morn we learn about the brain and the way it functions, the more we can relate how it processes learning and we can adjust our teaching patterns accordingly. Some examples of the main principles of this theory of understanding our minds include: That we have two types of memory – spatial and rote, each brain is unique, learning something usually involves peripheral attention as well as focused attention, and that learning is developmental.

8. Behaviorism: Briefly touched on at the start, Behaviorism is the theory that we learn via observation, that we “mimic” what behavior we see from those that come before us, and some even go so far as define learning as not much other than purely the acquisition of new behavior: We see what a teacher does/says and make that “behavior” our own. Research has gone into identifying different types of what is called “conditioning”, and that different types of conditioning may return different behavioral results. Classical conditioning is when a natural reflex occurs in response to some sort of stimulus, the experiment involving Pavlov’s dogs is arguably the most famous example of this, in which Pavlov gets dogs to salivate when a bell rings, this bell is – for the dogs – associated with the providing of tasty food. Another example of conditioning is ”operant conditioning”, when a response is reinforced through some method. A good example of this would be in the classroom, if a teacher rewards a student for good work, then because of reward, the response is likely to become more probable in the future (the response being good work from the student).

9. Theory of Cognitive Development: Also known as Piaget’s Developmental Theory, after Jean Piaget, a Swiss philosopher. His theory applies to the learning patterns of children whilst they’re growing up, that they build “cognitive structures” of how the view the world, which would involve the mental processes (schemes, concepts and responses, being some examples) required for dealing with a given situation, and that these structures would become increasingly complex as we grow up, that our intellect would grow as we learnt more and had to process ever more information.

10. Constructivism: Is the theory that we all learn by “doing”. It’s the philosophy that as we reflect on past experiences, we come to a much greater understanding of how the world works. Because our experiences are unique to us, so are our “rules” and “cognitive structures”, and this contributes to making each of us unique as a person, both in personality and in knowledge. Constructivism is when a learner is actively involved in creating new experiences that one can learn from, together with a teacher, who has these experience to pass on, thus creating unique cognitive experiences for all of the learners involved.

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Don't Get Scammed in HYIP

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There's a good general rule of thumb in life that also applies very well in the world of HYIPs: if it seems too good to be true, it generally is. This applies to the HYIP world when you have sites that offer unrealistic return rates, like 100% a day or more. Sure, they may pay off for a day or two, but they're mostly just trying to create a strong membership foundation before taking their money and running. But just because that happens doesn't mean that you shouldn't even bother investing at all in HYIPs. It just means that you have to be vigilant in order to maximize your profits. Here are some ways that you can scrutinize an HYIP to see if it's the right one for you or not.

All HYIPs are risky. But then again, so are stocks, bonds, mutual funds, FOREX trading, and most other investment realms. It's just that in this case, if you make intelligent, well thought out choices, you stand to make lucrative profits quickly. Look deeper into sites that have earning potentials that are congruent with your goals for making money.

Some HYIPs are longer term, meaning you'll make a healthy profit months into the cycle, while others are shorter term and allow you to make more money quicker. Each one has its risks and rewards, and that's why it's important to map our your conquest before setting out into the world. That's also why it's important to diversify between different programs. Not "putting all your eggs into one basket" allows you the security of knowing that if one program fails, you still have others to back it up. Divide your money up according to your earning goals between the different programs you choose, and you'll be able to have a healthier portfolio, just like in the stocks and FOREX world.

All in all, you want to be cautious and aware about how the HYIPs do business. If there's anything confusing or fishy about the site, just look for another one you feel comfortable with.

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50 Niche Search Engines

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Just about everyone has used a Google or Yahoo! search engine if they have been on the Internet. Certainly you can find what you need with them. But search engines that focus on a very specific topic can be really helpful too. If you are looking for a particular video, an old friend from high school, or the perfect handbag, a niche search engine can help. They can make life even better if you can use them in a pinch, like when you need to understand the wording on your grandfather’s will.


All of these searches will help you discover something new, whether it’s a new author you’ve never read or what size shoe you wear in Europe.

  1. Gnod. Search for books, music, movies and people with this search engine. The beauty is that it remembers your interests and focuses the search results on those things you are more likely to enjoy. Save time and enjoy the results of your search with this fun tool.
  2. Icerocket. This search engine was designed to take the advertising out of blog searches and definitely does that. It also offers video and MySpace searches too.
  3. Online Conversion. Need to adapt a recipe, find out what size shoes you need when ordering from Italy, or figure out if it’s too early to call Aunt Edna in London? This online conversion site will help you find anything you need.
  4. Rollyo. You can choose your own niche with this search engine. Select a search from several different categories such as reference, parenting, or the news and receive customized results to help you discover what you need to know.
  5. Snopes.com. If your mom loves to send you those warning emails about rats and soda cans, then you can find out the truth about them using this search site. Each rumor, myth, or legend is explained and given a rating of true, false, partially true, or undetermined. Finally, you can put that persistent urban legend to rest!
  6. SearchBug. This search engine looks up people, businesses, reverse phone numbers, and more. You can also check the validity of email addresses, phone numbers, zip codes, IP addresses, social security numbers and more.
  7. Tablefy. Finally…you can compare apples to oranges! Or find out the similarities and differences between the top Internet browsers, popular beverages, sports players, and more. This is a great resource for anyone working on a school project.
  8. Soople. Search for information from a number of specialized categories such as music, movies, video, stocks, other languages, and much more. You can even discover who is linking to your website.
  9. Web 2.0 Search Engine. Find tools to make your life easier with this search engine. Whether you want to manage your to-do or grocery list or want to enhance your blog, you can enter your project and receive links to tons of Web 2.0 tools.
  10. WikiSlice. This search engine is specifically for searching Wikipedia. Suppose you want to find everything about tennis in Wikipedia. You will receive a link to the main article about tennis as well as links to other articles that mention tennis.
  11. Spock. This people search not only finds people without search pricetags attached, it will even bring up photos if they are available. Search by name, email, location, or tag to find someone you know.

Buying Stuff

Buying online is easy, but buying exactly what you want, at the lowest price, or locally can be a challenge. These searches will help make online shopping almost the same as doing it in person.

  1. Like.com. This search engine has taken online shopping to a whole new level. If you’ve ever waded through pages upon pages of shoes trying to find exactly what you knew you wanted, then you will love shopping here. The visual search allows you to choose details, color, pattern, or shape to find exactly what you want.
  2. Pronto. Shop with the lowest price in mind at this search engine for bargain shoppers. Get your results arranged by price (high to low or low to high), rating, or relevance.
  3. Local.com. If you want to find a restaurant, place of business, or a service and you want to keep it local, use this search engine. You can browse by category or search by your zip code or city and state.
  4. retrevo. "Matching people and electronics," this search engine will help you find any electronic you want. Not only can you find out where to buy stuff, you can also find articles, forums, blogs, and more. If you need that missing owner’s manual for your TV, you can find it here.
  5. Slifter. If you are looking for a specific product and want to buy it locally, you’ll like this search engine. Enter your item and receive a listing of your local stores that carry that item. You can compare prices, too. If you want to take this service with you, set up Slifter to work on your mobile device.
  6. The Find. Putting all the other shopping search engines together, this one will search through hip boutiques, large department stores, and local shops. You can find a bargain or buy the top of the line with this comprehensive online shopping tool.

Making Sense of It All

Life can be confusing enough without someone throwing in words or phrases you don’t know. Use these searches to cut through the chaos and be in the know.

  1. MetaGlossery.com. Find the definition to anything on this powerful search engine. Enter a term, phrase, or acronym and get results with links that you can email or copy to your clipboard.
  2. Everybody’s Legal Glossary. Whether you need help decoding the paperwork on your house closing or want to understand that threatening note from your neighbor complaining about your barking pooch, you can find the definition of any legal term on this site.
  3. Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions. You may know it’s raining cats and dogs outside, but do you understand what it means if someone wears belt and suspenders? Find out what people are talking about with their funny turns of phrases with this fun idiom search tool.
  4. WestNet IT Glossary. Whether you are trying to figure out what’s going on with your computer or just wanting to understand that hot guy from the IT department, find out what IT technical terms mean with this resource.
  5. Travel Industry Dictionary. Search or browse this site to discover travel terms. If you are planning your vacation or trying to understand what your tour group will be doing during tomorrow’s excursion, find out here.
  6. NetLingo. Find out what your daughter said in that text she just sent you or discover what a "poke" is on Facebook with this fun search tool. If you don’t have a specific term you want to search, you can always browse alphabetically or by categories.

On the Go

These search engines are all designed specifically for mobile devices. Whether they help you find your way or save you on your bill, these will keep you mobile.

  1. Boing. Designed for mobile devices, this search engine provides results with "mobile friendly load times and limited screen size formatting" so that you can get the best of the Internet on your wireless device. Save time and money with this great search engine.
  2. Cha Cha. If you are out and about and need to know the answer to any question, then call or text Cha Cha and you will receive a text with the answer. Need directions, forgot what time the movie starts, or just want to win that trivia game? Cha Cha has your answer.
  3. Berggisearch. Powered by Hakia, download this application to your cell phone to get an efficient search that brings results recommended by librarians, not advertisements.

News and Academic Searches

These search engines focus on news or academic results. From up-to-the-minute headlines to complete online texts, these sites will help you out.

  1. Google Scholar. This new Google search finds only scholarly literature. If you are trying to find the latest research or information on any topic ranging from diabetes to Oscar Wilde to tornadoes and don’t want to wade through the mess that can come up with other searches, this one will take your straight to the source.
  2. bookmach. If you are tired of all the spam that shows up when you are looking for news or searching blogs, then bookmach.com is the place for you. With over 3300 sources, you will only find the best when you use this search engine. You can save your searches to customize the home page so that your favorite topics are always there.
  3. Congoo. This search engine is a "real-time news, networking, and information portal." Get the latest news right on their home page or use the search engine to look up whatever news topic in which you are interested.
  4. Open Library. This search engine will find any book ever published. If you want to read one of those books online, you are in luck. Over 234,000 have full text available.
  5. Wikio. Search for the latest news here. Whether you want to search in video, blogs, or traditional text for your news or would like to explore a topic, you are sure to find the latest updates here.

Audio and Video

With so many photos, music, and video on the Internet, it can be difficult to find precisely what you need. These searches will narrow down the field and even help you find the perfect movie for tonight.

  1. Pixsy. This search engine is for photos and videos only. It works wonderfully if you are trying to find a photo of a potential hotel for your vacation, a movie trailer, or the latest photo of George Clooney.
  2. Blinkx. Enter your keyword and choose whether you want your video results in a traditional format or in a wall format. If you choose wall, you can see an entire page of results. Hovering over any one will move it to the right and begin playing.
  3. FindSounds. If you are looking for a new message alert for your text messages or want to have a Scooby Doo clip on your blog, you can find the sound you want here. The search is free, but if you want to upgrade to be able to organize and and edit, you will need to pay a subscription fee.
  4. Last.fm. Search for music on this site, then find other artists based on your music preferences. If you are a music lover, you won’t want to miss this site.
  5. Girafa. While the purpose of this site is to sell you on adding thumbnails to your website, it works wonderfully as a search engine that shows you what each resulting web site looks like. That way you can determine if the site looks interesting before you even have to click on it.
  6. SeeqPod. Search for videos, audio, presentations, or Flash with this search engine. You can choose your type of search from audio, video, text, or all three.
  7. What to Rent! Tired of standing in front of that imposing wall of DVDs at your local rental store? This site will help you decide which movies to rent. The first time you visit, you will need to select a user name and complete a short quiz. Next time you can go straight to movie recommendations.
  8. SkreemR. If you are looking for an MP3 file, here’s the place to go. Find music, podcasts, speeches, and more with this search engine. Only the best files show up at the top of your results list.
  9. Dailymotion. Search videos from real people on a variety of topics such as news, travel, or hobbies. Of course, there are those videos that are just plain silly, too.

The Search Engine is the Niche

With so many search engines out there, there are sure to be some that are so remarkable in their own right that they are the niche. The following search engines will change the way you view Internet searches. You may find a new favorite among these.

  1. Kartoo. Enter your keyword and you will receive a visual map of all the different topics that may pertain to your keyword. Hover your mouse over each and you will see an enlarged view of the first website on your left with a short description of the site. This search engine takes searching to a whole new level.
  2. Boxxet. Search for what interests you and you will get results from the "best of" news, blogs, videos, photos, and more. This site brings together the "unique combination of computer automation and community passion" to give you a totally new way of searching.
  3. Quintura. Enter your search terms and watch a cloud of related terms appear at the left while a list of links comes up on the right. Hover over one of the words or phrases in the cloud to get a whole new list of links. This search engine eliminates having to click through several spots to find what you want.
  4. Gimpsy. Gimpsy asks you to fill in your action word(s) to use this search engine. If you tell Gimpsy you want to travel, you will receive several different options from buying tickets to finding a travel agent.
  5. Ms. Dewey. If typical search engines are too impersonal for you, then give Ms. Dewey a try. Sexy, fun, and silly, Ms. Dewey will help you find what you want to know. Just be careful of that flying rubber band when you take too long.
  6. Ujiko. Reminiscent of a video game, this search engine gives you "expertise points" each time you use it. Ten points takes you to a new level. At each level, you receive new tools to enhance your searching experience.
  7. mnemomap. Enter a search term (this works best with just one word) and receive a graphic mapping out all possible directions the word could go as well as a list of links from the traditional web search, an image database, digg, del.icio.us, or YouTube.
  8. Trexy. Using the metaphor of trails, this search engine promises that you will never have to search twice again. By forming trails or following trails others have forged, you can eliminate unnecessary searching by getting straight to what you want. Happy Hiking!
  9. whonu. Try this search that takes the work out of narrowing down your topic. Type in a keyword and watch as several subcategories appear below. Selecting a subcategory brings more subcategories until you arrive at precisely what you want to find. From there, you can choose to search for text, video, images, news, blogs, and more.
  10. Yoople! Combining the searching power of Yahoo!, Google, and people, this search engine brings you results, then asks you to click and drag the results in an order you prefer. As more and more people rate certain links higher, then the results should bring a better search to everyone.

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How to Buying a Printer?

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These are most commonly used output devices used to get prints of documents on the pager. Different printers have different mechanisms. Therefore purchasing a printer can be a sometimes confusing task. The following is additional information that will help in your purchasing decisions.

Technology of printers

There are many types and technology of printer are available in market but the most popular and commonly used are inkjet and laser printer.

Ink Jet Printer. The inkjet printer is not-impact character printer and prints one character at a time. The printing quality of inkjet printer is measured by the number of tiny ink of drops per inch(dpi). Most inkjet printers range from 300 to 2400 dpi. Printers with higher dpi usually are more expensive but having high printing quality. The speed of an inkjet printer is measured by the number of pages per minute (ppm) it can print. Its printing speed is up to 15 ppm. Therefore purchasing a printer can be depends upon printers dpi and ppm but It depends upon user need.

Laser Printer. A Laser printer is the fastest and high quality printer, but a laser printers are more expensive than inkjet printers and their print quality is also higher. The print quality and printing speed of laser printers make them ideal for offices and business. The laser printer can print text and graphics in very high quality resolution. The commonly user laser printers have resolution of 300 or 600 dpi and printing speed is from 5 to 30 ppm. The high quality laser printers have resolution from 600 to 2400 dpi. The printing speed of these printers is also more than 150 ppm.

Speed and price range

The price of laser printers depend on the quality and printing speed. The color printers are more costly than black-and-white laser printers. The higher the resolution and speed, the more expensive the printer.The price range can vary depending upon the quality of the printer and the type of printer for example inkjet, laser printers.


Once you have reviewed the appropriate information and believe that you are ready to make a purchase of a printer ensure that the source which you plan on purchasing the printer from is a reputable source and you have reviewed our section on what to look out for when purchasing over the Internet.

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Tips On Buying A Computer Memory.

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Introduction of Computer memory.

The Computer memory plays very important role in data processing. Computer memory means the computer can use powerful program with large size. It also improves the data procession speed of computer, that is way it is very important to verify When purchasing a computer memory, this memory is suitable for your computer and needs. Below is a listing of different considerations and tips to look for when purchasing computer memory.

Type Of Memory

There are many types of memory available in market, Before purchasing any memory or considering purchasing memory it is important that you distinguish the type of memory that is required. Below is a listing of some of the configurations of computer memory.

Memory type: SIMM, DIMM, RIMM,
Amount of Pins: 72-Pin, 30-Pin, etc..
Speed of memory: 10ns, 60ns, 70ns, etc..
Below is a listing of additional considerations to look out when purchasing computer memory.

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